Staffing MS

HeadFirst Source Group acquired 100% of the shares of Staffing Management Services. IRIS CF acted as sell side M&A advisor.

Staffing MS

Staffing MS was founded in 2008 and is active as an expert in the field of flexible staffing. The company is the first neutral and independent Managed Service Provider and is known for her specialism in the ‘ebay-principle’. Staffing MS is supplier of the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), which is used for the purpose of semi-governmental organizations to hire external professionals in accordance with European rules and standards. Staffing MS works primarily for Dutch townships, healthcare institutions and educational institutions, but besides these groups also works for larger, international profit organizations with locations in various EU-countries. Staffing MS manages the hiring of external professionals for her clients amounting to purchasing of more than € 100M per year.

For more information, please see:

Headfirst Source Group

HeadFirst Source Group is the market leader in the area of hiring external professionals, matchmaking, contracting and pay rolling. Approximately 5.000 professionals work on a daily base for circa 100 clients in the Benelux. The company achieves an annual revenue of approximately €500 million. Part of the Headfirst Source group are Headfirst Source, Proud Company and Designated Professionals.

For more information, please see:

Strategic fit

Due to their niche-position, Staffing Management Services fits perfectly with the services of Headfirst Source Group. Important advantages of the acquisition are amongst others:

  • strengthening of Headfirst Source Groups’ market position;
  • expansion of the diversity in flex-services to (potential) clients;
  • expansion of the client portfolio through ‘new’ branches;
  • strong impulse on international ambitions through the addition of MPS-services (highly used by multinationals).